
Inauguration of ‘CREAttivo’ park

Inauguration of ‘CREAttivo’ park




and Sensory Walk in Aquileia!

In close cooperation with the Municipality of Aquileia and the Aquileia Foundation, Maravee Projects permanently opens two new playful paths enhanced by mosaic interventions in the CREAttivo Park to the public. With an inaugural party - enlivened by actor and Rap performances - the Path for UNESCO opens, uniting Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia under the banner of the World Heritage Site; and the Sensory Path to expand the perception of play and life. Concept and artistic direction by Sabrina Zannier


10.30 A.M.

Actor performance The Game of the Senses. Harlequin bearer of tiles

by and with Claudia Contin Harlequin

11.30 A.M.

Performance Rap UNESCO in freestyle by and with Dj Tubet


Permanent installation

Game tables produced by Legnolandia with mosaic creations by

Francesca Chionna and Chiara De Stefano

Playground panels produced by Legnolandia with mosaic creations by

Sasha Anisimova, Francesca Chionna, Giulia Menegon, Jacopo Mingozzi, Veronica Pessotto

Winners of the International Mosaic&Design Competition

at the Friuli Mosaic School

In case of rain the opening will be postponed to Friday 13 December at the same time

More info at this link

Event produced by Maravee projects, with the support of Regione FVG, GO! 2025, IO SONO FVG, with the collaboration and contribution of Fondazione Aquileia, with the collaboration of Comune di Aquileia, Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, Club UNESCO Udine, Legnolandia, Gervasoni, Verywood. Technical sponsor B-trend.


Official website www.maraveeprojects.com
Organizer email info@maraveeprojects.com

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