First time ever an Italian legal entity published a call in Slovenia

11/26/2018 from 00:00 To 23:59

First time ever an Italian legal entity published a call in Slovenia

First time ever an Italian legal entity published a call in Slovenia

A public call was published in the Slovenian Official Gazette on Monday 26 November for infrastructural works to be carried out for the construction of a recreation park within the Isonzo-Soča project.It was the first time ever an Italian legal entity published a call in Slovenia.It was a historic moment for the cross-border area and for EGTC GO, which has competence over the territory of the three municipalities and can therefore operate directly across borders. In this way, many former challenges faced by three separate municipalities can now be resolved within a single conurbation.
"Publishing a call for tenders in Slovenia--for the first time--by an Italian legal entity is the finishing line of a long-standing cooperation between two regions with different legal and administrative systems." said Sandra Sodini, Director of EGTC GO. Since I first started working at EGTC GO there were always references to 'mine' or 'yours'... today, this call for bids is OURS. It simply means it is no longer Italian nor Slovenian, but a tangible expression of our unique cross-border city".
The Isonzo-Soča Project is part of an integrated territorial investment (ITI) for the development of the cross-border area of the municipalities of Gorizia, Nova Gorica and Šempeter-Vrtojba, financed from the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 Programme for a total of €10,000,000 euros (of which 85% from the European Regional Development Fund and 15% as the Italian national contribution).
The Municipality of Šempeter-Vrtojba has commissioned the planning phase of the Recreation Park in Vrtojba and intends to carry out a series of other investments financed from the municipality's budget.

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