Great interest in the international competition of ideas of the EGTC GO for the redevelopment of the area of ​​Piazza Transalpina and the border area from Solkan to Rožna Dolina

4/4/2020 from 00:00 To 23:59

Veliko povpraševanje v sklopu mednarodnega idejnega natečaja EZTS GO za obnovo območja Trga Evrope in obmejnega pasu od Solkana do Rožne doline

Great interest in the international competition of ideas of the EGTC GO for the redevelopment of the area of ​​Piazza Transalpina and the border area from Solkan to Rožna Dolina

From February 25, the day of publication of the call, to date, 100 subjects have requested registration on the EGTC GO platform to participate in the international competition of ideas for the redevelopment of the area of ​​Piazza Transalpina / Trg Evrope and the border area from Solkan to Rožna Dolina. There are 5000 visits to the page dedicated to the project on the EGTC GO website (3800 of which to the page in English), with users from all over the world. The peak of visitors is registered in the days following the publication of the call, on the 26th and 27th of February, with 450 and 400 unique visitors. Except for Saturdays and Sundays, visits to the page oscillate between 50 and 200 on working days. Most visitors are English (800, including 600 from the United States), but also Spanish (287), French (144), Portuguese (110), Chinese (93) and German (83). The international competition of ideas, an open and anonymous procedure, is conducted according to UNESCO regulations for international architectural design competitions and with the support of UIA (International Union of Architects).

The competition calendar has been updated due to the current epidemiological emergency COVID-19: the deadline for the registration for the competition was postponed; the deadline for submitting proposals will be postponed to a date to be defined, which will be communicated as soon as possible on all official channels, published in the EU and Italian Official Journal and in newspapers, as per legislation. For the updated deadlines and all other news, please visit the following pages:

ECoC 2025 - International Project and Ideas Competition

International Architectural Ideas and Project Competition for the Urban Development of the “Piazza Transalpina / Trg Evrope” Square

The competition is divided into two parts: - Area 1 - Project proposals for the redevelopment of Piazza Transalpina / Trg Evrope with the transcultural center EPICenter; - Area 2 - Proposals and ideas for the redevelopment of the cross-border belt from Salcano to Casa Rossa. The competition is launched by the EGTC GO with the support of UIA and is part of a joint program of the municipalities of Nova Gorica and Gorizia for the infrastructural, economic and cultural development of this unique area in the center of Europe, a crossroad of tradition and modernity. The redevelopment of Piazza Transalpina / Trg Evrope, with the construction of an transcultural center called EPIcenter, located exactly on the border and with the foundations in both states, plays a fundamental role for the candidacy of Nova Gorica and Gorizia as European Capital of Culture 2025 (ECOC 2025).

***GO! 2025 has its own policy for event publication, available at this link. Not all information provided may be current and/or accurate and GO! 2025 does not accept any responsibility in this regard. It's recommended to contact the event organizer directly to verify the information of interest.

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