EGTC GO assembly, a look at the post-ECOC era

12/20/2024 from 00:00 To 23:59

EGTC GO assembly, a look at the post-ECOC era

EGTC GO assembly, a look at the post-ECOC era

One step closer to the start of the European Capital of Culture, the EGTC GO assembly met on Wednesday 18 December to approve the annual budget for 2025 and the three-year budget, from 2025 to 2027. Indeed, the EGTC GO is ready for the numerous commitments of the European Capital of Culture year, now just around the corner, but it is already mapping out a path for the post-2025 period: from the legacy of GO! 2025, the key theme of the Capital project itself, to the European projects, the EGTC GO's distinguishing expertise, without forgetting the permanent committees, which have been working with renewed impetus since the spring.

EGTC GO Director Romina Kocina briefly explained to the assembly, composed of 14 members including the President, and the three mayors of the founding municipalities Nova Gorica, Gorizia and Šempeter-Vrtojba, the activities of EGTC GO in 2024: the SPF projects, GO! 2025, cross-border bikesharing, European projects, communication and marketing, and the work of the committees.

The Small Project Fund now has as many as 56 projects under its belt (44 from the first and 12 from the second call) and 48 project partners have already reported over EUR 700,000 in expenditure. These cross-border projects, which add up to more than EUR 9 million, contribute significantly to the GO! 2025 ecosystem, helping to enliven the territory and build up skills in local realities.

The fund still available is about EUR 800,000 to be committed in the course of 2025 to finance further projects.

The role of the EGTC GO in GO! 2025 does not stop at SPF projects and the cooperation with the Javni zavod GO! 2025: the body is also implementing important infrastructure and/or legacy projects. The Borderless Wireless digital platform,, is now complete and boasts the mapping of some 2000 accommodation facilities, almost 800 points of interest and the publication of more than 400 events in 2024 alone. An achievement made possible thanks to the participatory planning among local stakeholders who helped define the perimeter of a potential tourist destination. Already more than 25 webcams are active across the vast cross-border territory and the imminent launch of the web app aimed mainly at visitors in 2025 has been announced. ‘We are arriving at the official launch of the European Capital with a functioning and active platform that will certainly be a useful tool for visitors but also for citizens who wish to be informed about the numerous initiatives in the area,’ stressed director Romina Kocina during the assembly.

The theme of legacy is also key in the Outreach projects, which include the local youth population.

At the beginning of the year, the redevelopment of the Transalpina / Trg Evrope square, an example of strategic cooperation between the two neighbouring states with the EGTC GO as the coordinating body, is expected to be completed. After the inauguration of the Capital (8 February), the redevelopment of the green belt extending from St. Gabriel Street / Erjavčeva ulica towards the common square will also begin. The project, worth a total of EUR 964,310,000 (with EU funds for the Italian part and funds from the municipality of Nova Gorica for the Slovenian part), envisages the renovation of the parking area in Catterini Street and the landscaping of the green area along the border line. The border wall will be demolished in certain places, in connection with future pedestrian crossings, while parts of the old fence will be reinstalled as a memento. The project was prepared by the cross-border architectural grouping of Favi Spangher, Kreadom and Tea.

In 2025, the joint bicycle rental system, cross-border bikesharing between Nova Gorica, Gorizia and Šempeter-Vrtojba, and its management by the EGTC GO is also planned. The necessary opinions are currently being obtained in order to properly set up the service by the authority.

European projects are - for obvious reasons - part of the very nature of the EGTC and are therefore an important source of activity. In 2024 four projects have been approved in which the EGTC is a project partner: valorisation of the historical and cultural heritage of the Great War, cross-border development of sustainable tourism/cycling, reduction of cross-border obstacles and participation of young people are the themes that will guide the new projects within the European programmes Interreg Italy-Slovenija, Interreg Central Europe, Interreg Italy-Austria and ERASMUS YOUTH. The EGTC is also an associate partner in seven additional European initiatives and in evaluation for 2025 there are still four more projects on the topic of climate resilience, institutional cooperation between health organisations and reducing risks from climate disasters. Also in the pipeline is a project on urban planning, public spaces, with the reference area of Šempeter-Red House-Rafut.

Themes discussed in the EGTC Standing Committees that have met several times since last spring to also address current problems, such as the closure of the H4 road and the consequences on the local logistics sector (transport committee).

Also confirmed was the structure and organisation of the EGTC GO, which currently has 14 employees, which, as President Petiziol remarked during the assembly, ‘are really too few to cope with the many activities that we are working on and that await us not only in 2025 but from 2026 onwards’.


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