3/26/2024 from 00:00 To 23:59



Nearly €1.5 million (€1,455,674.50 to be precise) is available, and the required content is slightly more specific than in the first call. Project proposals must address one of the following themes: active inclusion and participation of children and youth (under 30), green mobility, social and environmental sustainability, enhancement and strengthening of the culture of multilingualism, promotion of well-being and social cohesion in sport and physical activity accessible to all.

La documentazione del bando è disponibile qui BANDO SPF GO! 2025 n. 02/2024.

The call is open to associations, businesses, organizations, educational institutions and universities, public and private entities. Projects can have an amount between 30,000 and 150,000 euros and a maximum duration of 18 months.

"The GO! 2025 Small Project Fund - financed by the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027 Program - was created, and continues to be used, in support of Nova Gorica - Gorica European Capital of Culture 2025," explains EGTC GO Director Romina Kocina. "SPF represents a very important and effective European tool to support the development of new initiatives in the area of sustainability and development of the territory in an innovative and inclusive way: a funding line introduced last year that we see as an opportunity for growth for the entire territory," Kocina concludes.

The call is open to the above-mentioned entities from the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region and the Province of Venice on the Italian side, and from five Slovenian regions-Osrednjeslovenska, Primorsko-Notranjska, Gorenjska, Obalno-Kraška and Goriška. As in the first call, the rule is that for project proposals in the amount of 30,000 to 50,000 euros, only one partner is needed, who in any case must ensure the cross-border nature of the activity. However, projects over 50,000 euros must be submitted by two partners, one Italian and one Slovenian. Both the lead partner and the project partner must come from the areas mentioned above; exceptionally, the project partner may also come from elsewhere.


Entities that received funding in the first call of the Small Project Fund -either as a project leader or project partner - cannot apply for this call as a lead partner. Under the first call, 44 projects were funded.

Project proposals can only be submitted through the Jems platform. The link to access the Jems platform, along with all the call documents, is available in the SPF section. The deadline for submission of proposals is May 14.

Information workshops will be held in April to present the contents of the call and other documents to potential applicants. A partner search function is also available on our website, which allows institutions to search for project partners.

***GO! 2025 has its own policy for event publication, available at this link. Not all information provided may be current and/or accurate and GO! 2025 does not accept any responsibility in this regard. It's recommended to contact the event organizer directly to verify the information of interest.

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