
Conflicts explained to kids... and adults - Toni Capuozzo

Jame med odkrivanjem in raziskovanjem: speleološka dediščina Furlanije Julijske krajine

Tuesday 25 February at 5:30 pm at the Dora Bassi Hall, Gorizia Toni Capuozzo presents: "Conflicts explained to children... and adults" Presentation by Margherita Cociani, Chiara Natali, Agnese Puzzi, Alessandro Zorzut, Emma Zuttion, Ambassadors of the Monfalcone Geografie Festival.

After having followed conflicts all over the world, having seen the effects of wars up close and having questioned their dynamics for a long time, Toni Capuozzo signs a real manual to explain "war" and provide answers in these complex times.

An updated book, mainly aimed at children, enriched by the contributions of General Francesco Ippoliti and the illustrations of Armando Miron Polacco. A work on the wars that are shaking the world today, on new conflicts - such as the one between Russia and Ukraine - on "historical" conflicts that are more current than ever - such as the one in the Middle East - on terrorism, on peacekeeping missions, on new war technologies...

Free entry

Language info

Event language: IT


Not applicable


Organizer email biblioteca@comune.monfalcone.go.it Organizer phone number 0481494373

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