
Great Wines of the Goriška Region for Peace

Grande vini del territorio goriziano per la pace

A charity auction entitled Selected Wines of the Goriška Region for Peace.

For the third year in a row, the Franciscan Monastery of Kostanjevica, in collaboration with the Association of Knights of the CRU Classification of the Wines of Queen Maria Theresa and Castello di Spessa, is organizing a charity auction Selected Wines of the Goriška Region for Peace. As the last lot, there will be an auction of a work of art called Opera, signed by the Venetian painter Marco Nereo Rotelli. The funds raised will go for the restoration of the frescoes in the Franciscan Monastery Church in Kostanjevica, which was also declared a cultural monument of national importance last month.

The auction and the accompanying events are part of the project Wines of Friendship and Peace, which is co-financed by the SPF GO! 2025. The events take place over three days, from 24 October to 26 October 2024, and are aimed at different target groups - the general public, journalists, wine growers and enthusiasts, tourism workers, caterers, auctioneers and, of course, connoisseurs. Certain events are open to the public, while others are open to invited guests, experts in the field. Full details of the events are included in the event programme.


  • Thursday, 24 October 2024 - event reserved for journalists and wine producers:
    • Lunch at 1.00 p.m.: Day with the Italian and international press at Villa Russiz: Discovering the territory of the County of Gorizia and Gradisca,
    • Afternoon at 3.00 p.m.: Visit to the Klet Brda cellar carved into the rock,
    • Evening at 9.00 p.m.: Dinner: Invitation of the producers to the Subida di Monte winery.
  • Friday, 25 October 2024 - event open to the public:
    • Morning at 11.00 - Mass in the church of the Franciscan Monastery of Kostanjevica in Nova Gorica,
    • Afternoon: Presentation of the wines selected for the auction in favor of the Franciscan Monastery of Kostanjevica in Nova Gorica. The tasting will be open for professionals/auction attendees from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm and for the public from 4.00pm to 6.00pm in the Monastery's cellar.
    • Gala dinner with wines of Friendship and Peace and Michelin star chefs' masterpieces at Castello di Spessa (event reserved for journalists, winemakers and invitees).
  • Saturday, 26 October 2024:
    • Morning - event open to the public, registration for the auction is required at info@contea.wine
    • The auction will begin on Saturday, at 11.00 am at the Franciscan Monastery of Kostanjevica The funds raised will be used for the restoration of the frescoes of the Chapel from the seventeenth-century. The auction will be conducted by Camilla Tinnacher, Head of Client Services and Philipp von Hutten, Head of Antiques of the prestigious Dorotheum auction house in Vienna and presided over by Fra' Niko Žvokelj, Father Superior of the Monastery and Riccardo Illy, Honorary Consul of France in Trieste.
    • Lunch at 1.30 pm at Villa Vipolže - masterclass event for guests
    • Afternoon: Producers receive their customers, distributors, journalists and influencers by the Vinexpo model. Evening Producers receive their customers in the winerys/estates.

Language info

Event language: EN, IT, SL Subtitles: IT, SL Audio translator: EN, IT, SL


Organizer email vina.prijateljstva.miru@gmail.com

***GO! 2025 has its own policy for event publication, available at this link. Not all information provided may be current and/or accurate and GO! 2025 does not accept any responsibility in this regard. It's recommended to contact the event organizer directly to verify the information of interest.

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