


Angelo Floramo, author of the text, and Paolo Forte on the accordion will lead the audience on an evocative journey through stories, languages, characters and spaces made of silence and light that give an account of that wonderful mix of cultures that constitutes the wealth of Friuli Venezia Giulia, a border territory that, also in the wake of GO! 2025, is projected to definitively go beyond it, to reclaim that condition of happy cross-breeding that constitutes its unmistakable identity.

The audience will be taken by the hand and led through storytelling and music to visit the paths that innervate these landscapes of vegetable gardens and stone houses, chestnut woods and plum trees. A suspended world, where "the vineyards have ancient woods, crooked like the fingers of old women, who still wear black clothes. Black shawls, black handkerchiefs that gather the hair. Dreams and toil, tragedy and beauty, utopia and pain, blasphemy and prayer have intertwined to form a sensorial topography, which has the pace of the seasons”. You will be able to listen to their voices, breathe in the scents, around the festive table where songs and flavors explode, between the earthenware pot of jota and the intoxication of a glass of wine. Finally the narrator's voice will take you to a small village on the Plateau, to Sveto, in whose cemetery all the stories of the world rest, including those of the Author: here thousands of footsteps, myriads of voices have resounded. Illyrians, Celts, Slavs, Goths, Huns and Byzantines. It will therefore be an intimate and whispered journey into the folds of the soul that will also be able to transform into hearty laughter, greased with juicy accents, kept in villages clinging to the edge of the world, where the flow of centuries stops.

Language info

Event language: IT


Step-free access Wheechair


Organizer email info@somsipn.it Organizer phone number 0434520820

***GO! 2025 has its own policy for event publication, available at this link. Not all information provided may be current and/or accurate and GO! 2025 does not accept any responsibility in this regard. It's recommended to contact the event organizer directly to verify the information of interest.

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