
The economic boom of the 1960s

The economic boom of the 1960s

Border stories towards Go! 2025.

The performance entertaining but respectful of historical truth, ironically recounts the growth of the industry in the region, without neglecting the diffusion of the Vespa and the Fiat 500, two authentic cults of that era, and beyond. However, there will also be space for events of primary importance for the period such as the arrival in Gorizia of the psychiatrist Franco Basaglia, the suppression of the Merna airport as a stopover for scheduled flights and the presence in the city of the grey-green uniforms on free leave to invade the shops in the centre. It will end with the bomb found unexploded at the Transalpina, of the same model as that of the attack in Piazza Fontana.

Language info

Event language: IT


Not applicable




Organizer email gospettacoli@gmail.com Organizer phone number + 39 380.6357772

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