
Big Screens: Cinema in Gorizia Film Walk

Big Screens: Cinema in Gorizia Film Walk

Big Screens: Cinema in Gorizia Film Walk takes you through the film history of Gorizia, from the first screenings to the revival of cinemas after the war.

The story of Gorizia and its cinema halls is so inspiring that Kinoatelje has dedicated an entire walk to it as part of the Our Everyday Cinema project. Film critic and journalist Sandro Scandolara researched and documented anecdotes, memories, and historical details about Gorizia’s cinematic history in a column for Il Piccolo newspaper in the 1990s, later collected in the book Our Everyday Cinema. During the walk, Big Screens: Cinema in Gorizia, you will have the chance to hear film ambassadors bring these stories to life for the first time.


Where? BorGO Cinema.

How? Register for the guided walk in Slovene or Italian via the online form at kinoatelje.it.

Big Screens: Cinema in Gorizia Film Walk in Gorizia will begin with the Jesuit experiments at Piazza Vittoria and continue past the open-air screenings on pub porches to the origins of the first cinemas. Afterwards, we will explore the times of war when cinema became a tool for propaganda. Soon after cinemas came back to life, and people dreamed of watching films outdoors. This journey through time offers a unique cinematic perspective on Gorizia. As a prelude to the walk, we will watch a 1996 RAI segment in which Kinoatelje founder Darko Bratina talks about the tradition of going to the cinema and how the Vittoria Cinema (today’s Kinemax) came into focus.

Language info

Event language: IT, SL


Organizer email bearzi.martina@kinoatelje.it

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