Sajeta Art&Music Festival

7/3 - 7/7/2024: tuesday, wednesday, thursday, saturday

Sotočje reke Soče in Tolminke

Sajeta Art&Music Festival

A meeting place for various artistic experiences and practices, with music at its core: electronic, jazz, rock, ethnic, classical, and experimental.

Sajeta Art&Music Festival is a place of encounter for various artistic practices and experiences with music as its central component. When preparing the festival programme, we take the less trodden paths towards the less known musical worlds and strive to surpass the genre-related limitations. We try to put the Slovene and foreign productions of the underground musical practices side by side. The Sajeta stages thus welcome diverse musical genres such as electronic music, jazz, rock, ethno or classical with experimentation and creativity at their core. Although music presents a large part of the programme, the spectrum of artistic forms at the festival is broader: film, multimedia, poetry, sculpture, performances, dance, and graphics among other have their place at the festival. By deviating from the typical festival outline, Sajeta comes with a rather special character; each year with its carefully selected programme of all styles and genres it endeavours to satisfy its curious visitors and tries to create a harbour of creativity and diversity in the specific natural setting. Your browser does not support the video tag.
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