Flowers for future generations

Flowers for future generations

'Conservation is existence': in 2024, we celebrate the centenary of the first protected area in Slovenian territory, the Alpine Conservation Park, the forerunner of the Triglav National Park.

  The year 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of the first protected area in Slovenian territory – the Alpine Conservation Park, the forerunner of our Triglav National Park. The Juliana Alpine Botanical Garden is also part of this only national park in Slovenia, which currently embraces a large part of the Julian Alps or no less than four percent of the Slovenian territory. The observance of the 100th anniversary takes place under the slogan "Conservation is existence", and Juliana conserves, too. During the guided tour, one can learn about protected, rare and endangered plants, which are kept alive in the garden for future generations. Dates: Saturday, 15 June 2024, at 11:00, 12:00, 13:00 Saturday, 6 July 2024, at 11:00, 12:00, 13:00 Saturday, 24 August 2024, at 11:00, 12:00, 13:00 The entrance fee to Juliana according to the price list, while guided tours are free.   More about the Juliana Alpine Botanical Garden >
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