Enoteca Di Cormòns Soc.coop


Enoteca Di Cormòns Soc.coop
piazza XXIV Maggio 21
34071 Cormons (GO) amministrazione@enotecadicormons.com 3334830209

Enoteca Di Cormòns Soc.coop

Wine, land, people: since 1984 until today, our Enoteca strives towards one goal - promoting our territory and its enogastronomic excellences... one glass after another!

The Enoteca of Cormòns is much more than a wine bar! From 1984, in the splendid historical setting of Piazza XXIV Maggio, we collaborate among winemakers on a common project: to promote our territory and its enogastronomic excellences. One glass after another we guide our guests on a multisensorial journey to discover the great wines and indigenous grape varieties of our unforgettable land.

Recently completely renovated, the Enoteca di Cormòns is the center of wine in Friuli Venezia Giulia: it's a municipality wineshop directly owned by the wine producers, that offers wines from the whole province of Gorizia and cold cuts from the entire region; with its main area on the ground floor, the outdoor garden, the internal courtyard, the tasting room and its large educational room on the upper floor, the Enoteca is the perfect place in which to start (or where to arrive!) every food and wine journey to discover our land!

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