Prologo Associazione Culturale Per La Promozione Delle Arti Contemporanee


via Graziadio Isaia Ascoli 8/1
34170 Gorizia (GO) 3662440162

Prologo   Associazione Culturale Per La Promozione Delle Arti Contemporanee

Founded in 2004, Prologo is an association aimed at promoting contemporary arts (painting, sculpture, photography, graphics) with an exhibition gallery.

Founded in 2004, Prologo is an association aimed at promoting contemporary arts (painting, sculpture, photography, graphics). It organizes artistic and cultural events and takes care of their conception. It constantly establishes relationships with other city entities to support and increase cultural initiatives in Gorizia. 

It is in contact with artists and other associations and galleries at a national and Central European level, creating a network of experiences and support. The exhibition venue, located in the historic center of Gorizia, collects selected works in its iconographic archive that tend to satisfy both the art lover and anyone attempting a first approach.

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