Apartma Bajči


Apartma Bajči Skrilje 71 a 5263 Dobravlje (Goriška) apartma.bajci@gmail.com

Apartma Bajči
The apartment features a bedroom with a king-size bed and bunkbeds to sleep 4 people. Together with the extra bed, the place can sleep six people. Availability of garage for motorbikes and bikes.

The apartment features a bedroom with a king-size bed and bunkbeds to sleep 4 people. Together with the extra bed, the place can sleep six people. Ideal starting point for hikes, sports activities, artistic endeavours or lounging out on the sunny patio or in the shady garden. Availability of garage for motorbikes and bikes.

Not to be missed:

A/C provided pet friendly accommodation Skrilje is a town typical of the area of Vipava lovely view of the medieval town of Vipavski Križ
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