Archaeological Area of Aquileia


Area archeologica di Aquileia

Archaeological area among the most important in Italy and part of the UNESCO World Heritage since 1998.

Founded in 181 BC for defensive and commercial purposes, Aquileia soon became one of the main Adriatic ports and, as a result, a large cosmopolitan city, a crossroads of religions and cultures. Today, its archaeological area is one of the most important in Italy. For this reason, the city has been included in UNESCO’s World Heritage list since 1998.

Some archaeological remains are now visible outdoors with free access. These include the forum, the river port, the late antiquity markets, a necropolis area known as "sepolcreto" (burial ground) and some domus that feature remarkable mosaic fragments. Other remains, meanwhile, are contained within specific museum structures that protect the precious mosaics: the Early Christian Museum, the Crypt of Frescoes in the Basilica, the Südhalle of the Baptistery, the Episcopal Palace and Domus area.

Infopoint Aquileia
Via Iulia Augusta, 11
33051 Aquileia (UD)
Tel.: +39 0431 919491

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