Geis and Riscjei House of Rural Manual Work

Forgaria nel Friuli

Geis and Riscjei House of Rural Manual Work
The "Geis and Riscjei" House of rural manual work of Forgaria is housed in the renovated building of the former community dairy.

On show you will find rakes, baskets, tools, panniers, wicker objects used daily in the house, fields and in the farm itself, all evidence of the rural manual works of days gone by.

Up until a few decades ago, the two main activities on the area were wicker working and rake making. Thanks to the willingness of some of the local inhabitants, who are lovers of these crafts, it is still possible to take part in the various production stages of these objects.

A small area of the museum is dedicated to dairy activities, to wool spinning and to kitchen utensils. The top floor of the "Geis and Riscjei" House of Rural Manual Work houses multimedia tools, especially dedicated to school parties, to integrate the visit with interesting educational activities.

Document archives
Car Park

"Geis and Riscjei" House of rural manual work
Via Muris (Località Cornino)
I - 33030 Forgaria nel Friuli (UD)
Tel.: +39 0427 809091
Tel.: +39 0427 808042 (Municipality)
Fax +39 0427 808136 (Municipality)

Free admission

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