History and Arts Museum – Lapidary

P.za della Cattedrale, 34124 Trieste TS

History and Arts Museum – Lapidary

Visit the three sections – Museum, Graveyard, and Captain's Garden – dedicated to the history and archaeology of the Trieste region.

This exhibition, dedicated to local archaeology, spreads out in three sections: the Museum, the Graveyard and the Captain's Garden.

The Museum represents local pre-historical and proto-historical findings, as well as the collections of Egyptian, Copt, Greek, Roman findings and the collection of Maya ceramics.

The Graveyard exhibits relieves and inscriptions from Aquileia, Istrian findings dating back to Roman times, the Tempietto in Roman style with the Cenotaphus by Winckelmann and Roman and Greek sculptures.

The Graveyard still preserves the towers and the city walls dated 15th- 16th century, the Medieval and Modern Lapidary with inscriptions, coats-of-arms, sculptures and architectural elements saved from the demolitions of the ancient buildings in Trieste.

History and Arts museum - Lapidary
Piazza Cattedrale 1
34121 Trieste
Tel. +39 040 310500
Fax +39 040 6754065

Opening hours
Please visit the website

Free admission

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