Palazzo Coronini Cronberg – Non-profit Foundation


Fondazione Palazzo Coronini Cronberg Onlus

A 16th-century residence and home to the non-profit organization of the same name. The museum features historic rooms and furnishings, extraordinary artworks such as the paintings of Rubens, and gardens with archaeological artifacts.

Palazzo Coronini Cronberg, which now houses the homonymous Foundation established by its last owner, Count Guglielmo Coronini Cronberg (1905-1990), is a historic building dating back to the end of the sixteenth century.

Walking through the fifteen exhibition rooms, among which the room where in 1836 the last King of France Charles X of Bourbon stayed and died, visitors are taken back in time, thanks to the warm and charming atmosphere of the rooms with sixteenth-century and seventeenth-century furnishings on the ground floor, to the sumptuous eighteenth-century sitting rooms, to the imperial rooms and to the nineteenth-century environments on the main floor.

Knick-knacks, silverware, china, crystalware, photographs, portraits and objects of everyday use re-create the atmosphere of a home where people really seem to live in, feeling the presence of the ancient owners in every room.
Among family memories and relics, you can admire works of art of extraordinary value: paintings attributed to Bernardo Strozzi and to Rubens, canvases by Alessandro Magnasco, Giambattista Langetti, Giuseppe Tominz, Vladimir L. Borovikovsky, sculptures by Bertel Thorvaldsen, Giuseppe Ceracchi and Franz Xaver Messerschmidt.

The villa is surrounded by a wonderful five-hectare English-style park, in which you will see important archaeological finds from Aquileia, an elegant Art Nouveau small temple, rare and precious plants: ash trees, lindens, Himalayan cedars, exotic plants, such as palm trees, loquats, bamboos and a centuries-old cork-oak.

Fondazione Palazzo Coronini Cronberg onlus
Viale XX Settembre 14 - 34170 Gorizia
Entrance for visitors: via Coronini 1
Tel. 0481.533485
Fax 0481.547222

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