Sanctuary of the Barbana Island

Isola di Barbana, 34073 Santuario di Barbana GO

Sanctuary of the Barbana Island

Visit the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the Island of Barbana and discover its ancient and legendary history.

The Marian shrine of ancient origins
The Barbana Island is situated at the eastern tip of the lagoon of Grado and features an ancient Marian sanctuary. A primitive  church was built on the island in the 6th century which, according to tradition, had to preserve a holy image of the Virgin transported in that place by the sea after a storm and which was erected, by order of the Patriarch of Grado Elia (571-588), to thank the Virgin for saving the town of Grado.
A community of Franciscan Friars lives on the island.

This picturesque island, an oasis of peace and of ancient traditions, has always been a pilgrimage destination. Since 1237, on every first Sunday of July, the community of Grado goes in procession on boats dressed with flags to the Barbana Island, to renew the ancient vow to the Virgin, that saved the town from the terrible plague epidemic.

A regular boat service, leaving from the Schiusa Canal, links the Barbana Island to Grado. The trip lasts about 25 minutes. The island can also be reached by private boats and is provided with a small port.

Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Barbana Island
I - 34073 Grado (GO)
Tel. +39 0431 80453
Fax +39 0431 80362

Info Point PromoTurismoFVG - Grado
Piazza XXVI Maggio 16, at the corner with Campo Porta Nuova 26
I - 34073 Grado (GO)
Tel. +39 0431 877111
Fax: +39 0431 80362

Boat service:
Società Motoscafisti Gradesi
Tel.: +39 0431 80115, overtime:: +39 338 3171430

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