SMO Museum of Landscapes and Stories

San Pietro al Natisone

SMO Museum of Landscapes and Stories

An active and dynamic space based on the communication and storytelling of the landscape and culture of San Pietro al Natisone. It features artistic experimentation, interactive pathways, and multimedia frescoes.

The Museo di Paesaggi e Narrazioni (Museum of Landscapes and Stories) in San Pietro al Natisone is situated among the new thematic and territorial museum: they are no longer museums of Collection but museums of Narration.

It was set created as an active, dynamic, attractive and stimulating place based on communication and on the story of the places and culture of the local area. This space combines artistic experimentation with the territories of the past, offering interactive paths and multimedia frescoes of a landscape that brings together people and places, stories and memories, thus leading to inspiration and reflection. It is an exploratory narrative of a landscape to listen to, which acknowledges language as a means of communication for a culture rich in facets and microcosms overflowing with stories.

Museo di paesaggi e narrazioni
Via Alpe Adria, 73
San Pietro al Natisone (UD)
Tel. +39 0432 727490
Cell. +39 3351285906

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