Interactive discovery of hidden symbols

Interactive discovery of hidden symbols

Interactive hidden symbols discovery for families and couples.

The Monument of peace on Cerje was built according to the conceptual design of architect dr. Darko Likar. Into the architecture and interior of the mighty tower, Likar weaved 26 symbols that connect us with our ancestors and the history of Slovenia. Visitors do not notice them without a special explanation. Archaic symbols, also known as ancient symbols, are visual representations used by many ancient civilizations and religions to convey specific messages or reinforce the meaning of specific events. These symbols often have cultural, spiritual or mythological significance and have been passed down through generations.

The fun and educational experience HIDDEN SYMBOLS OF THE MONUMENT is designed as a game in which players search for 12 selected motifs located on 7 floors of the magnificent building and receive in-depth explanations from the messages they find in encrypted boxes. All 12 symbols are finally assembled into a unique mythological image.

The journey through the monument is designed to invite players into the here and now. Away from the fast modern world, closer to the origin, nature and ancestors. You will enter the world of the tangible.

The experience brings a family or couple together in a fun “hidden treasure hunt” experience that concludes with a reward for a task successfully completed.

Green facts

Representation of nature-friendly and sustainable materials.

Transfer of cultural heritage

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