Zen on herb farm

Zen on herb farm

Miren Kras is the perfect place where you can enjoy in zen atmosphere. The soothing effects of relaxation are best felt when visiting Rogelja Herb Farm. You can relax by walking through herbal gardens, at a therapeutic massage or a cup of great tea.

Rogelja Herb Farm can be discovered even with a blind fold, because their herbal fields have a beautiful scent from a far - of lavender, sage, rosemary, bay, thyme, yarrow and other miraculous plants that have healing effects on the body and mind. The mystery of unique zen that can be experienced at this herb farm, is hidden in their herbal oils, creams, teas, aromas and tinctures.

We recommend a guided visit with Magda Rogelja, the master or harvesting, processing and producing natural strength from herbs. A circular herb hike is even a better experience, where you can see the herbal richness and the special features and beauty of the karst landscape – caves, dry-stoned walls, shepherd houses and more. The Rogelja Family love sharing their knowledge and stories with all visitors of the farm. After walking through their gardens, you can join a herbal workshop or a lecture about the use of herbs. The most beautiful part is at the end, when you can taste herbal liqueurs, spreads and omelettes (frtalja). Relax your body and mind at a herbal massage or therapy, sitting in the shadow of the tress surrounded by a herbal garden, has quite a meditative effect.

Group limitations:

Herbal gardens visits and tastings: no limitation. Extra offer: circular herb hike, workshop and tasting: min. 5 participants


Degustacija: 3 EUR/osebo (min. 10 oseb), 3,5 EUR/osebo (4 - 9 oseb), (minimalno število oseb je 4) Teambuilding/ izvirne igre: 6 EUR/osebo (min. število oseb za izvedbo igre je 10) Strokovna in posvetovalna predavanja: 6 EUR/osebo (min. število oseb za izvedbo predavanja je 6) Zeliščne delavnice: 5 EUR/osebo (min. število oseb za izvedbo delavnice je 6) Sprehod med zeliščnimi vrtovi: 4 EUR/osebo (min. število oseb za izvedbo sprehoda je 4) Vodena tura po Krasu: 3 EUR/osebo (min. 10 oseb), 4 EUR (4-9 oseb), (min. število oseb za izvedbo ture so 4 osebe)
Upload Gallery 89 Jrp 0990
Upload Gallery 89 Jrp 0882
Upload Gallery 89 Zeliscna Kmetija Rogelja Magda In Tadej Rogelja 2
Upload Gallery 89 Zeliscna Kmetija Rogelja Tadej Rogelja 5m
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Upload Gallery 89 Zeliscna Kmetija Rogelja Tadej Rogelja 3m
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Upload Gallery 89 Sivka Dominik Bizjak 40 M
Upload Gallery 89 Zeliscna Kmetija Rogelja Magda In Tadej Rogelja 1
Upload Gallery 89 Zeliscna Kmetija Rogelja Tadej Rogelja 6m
Upload Gallery 89 Zeliscna Kmetija Rogelja Tadej Rogelja 7m
Upload Gallery 89 Zeliscna Kmetija Rogelja Tadej Rogelja 8m

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