Italian Charnel House in Oslavia/Oslavje

Italian Charnel House in Oslavia/Oslavje

It was built in 1938 according to the plans of architect Ghino Venturi. More than 57,000 soldiers rest here, of which 37,000 are unknown.

The charnel house is situated in the hamlet of Oslavia/Oslavje near Gorizia/Gorica. It was built in 1938 after the plans of architect Ghino Venturi of Rome. The charnel house stands on a triangular plot and consists of four towers, a central one and three side towers. Alongside the walls of each tower, tomb cells are arranged in which mortal remains of identified soldiers are interred. Unidentified bodies are buried in ossuaries, one in the centre of each of the three side towers. The towers are inter-connected with tunnels where crypts are arranged. The most important is the central tower where 13 men rest, who were awarded gold decorations for military achievements. Buried in the charnel house are mortal remains of 57,739 soldiers who were transferred from the military cemeteries in the area from the village of Kamno to Gorizia.

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