
Majerija Slap 18 5271 Vipava (Goriška) +386 (0)5 368 50 10


300-year-old agricultural company with discreet house service, a variety of food, high-quality drinks and luxury of flavours in the company of a warm, family atmosphere.

Majerija is a 300-year-old estate where you can surrender to cordial service and phenomenal cuisine. Enjoy the luxury of flavours in a rustic atmosphere. Traditional cooking with innovative touches of modernity will surprise you with unique flavour combinations, cherished for centuries or conjured from contemporary experience and the use of fresh, premium local ingredients. A special note in the cuisine of Majerija is added by their own garden herbs and seasonal approach. Guests are welcome to follow the owner into the vaulted cellar, picking a wine perfectly suiting their taste. Restaurant Majerija is sure to satisfy gourmets looking for a superior experience.

Not to be missed:

the culinary guide Gault&Millau awarded Majerija with 3 chef's hats and the mark 15.5/20 wheelchair access receives up to 100 guests interesting option for an overnight stay marmalades, figs in syrup, herbal syrups, liqueurs, distillates, bitters, acacia honey with lavender and more, available for purchase as well credit cards accepted

Guest impressions: peace, quiet, original architecture, food, wine, hospitality, professionalism.

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