The PODIPO project promotes and strengthens the culture of multilingualism by actively involving children, young people, and the elderly. Its goal is to enhance the linguistic heritage of the local dialects and languages that intertwine in the cross-border area, preserving traditions and making them accessible to both new generations and the general public.
The first phase of the project involves organizing about 8 workshops, with the participation of children, young people, and the elderly, including residents of nursing homes. These workshops will explore themes such as multilingualism, the preservation and transmission of cultural heritage, poetry, its authors, and the geographical diversity of the region, using an artistic-cultural approach. In the second phase, the results from the workshops will be collected in an interactive book, which will be presented at two major cultural events.
LP Otok, zavod za razvoj družbe in kulture, PP Stazioni_Postaje APS.
The project is financed by the European Union through the GO! 2025 Small Project Fund of the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027 Programme, managed by the EGTC GO.