Twenty Something


The Twenty Something project focuses on the literary awakening of the wider region. It involves a reflection of the area through writing practices, the interpenetration of literature and other artistic spheres, the communication between the author and the space and the inhabitants, and the integration of literature into the living space. Young creators in their twenties, both locals and foreigners, who have been selected through an open call, take part in intensive workshops, residencies, and masterclasses in places in the European Capital of Culture area. 
Later they enter the public space through performances and installations, and the Goriška Humanist Association helps them to communicate with publishing houses, in order to prepare young authors for the publishing market, introduce them to editors, and connect them with translators. The association is dedicating the year 2025 to the hundredth anniversary of the poet Sreček Kosovel’s manifesto “To the Mechanics” (“Mehanikom”), and is preparing a large installation and performance on this theme.

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