
39th Isonzo Regatta


Kajak Center

39th Isonzo Regatta

Take part in the most eagerly awaited regatta of the year on Sunday 1 September and discover the wonders of the Soča River on an unmissable cross-border trip from Solkan to Pevmski park - Parco Piuma.

Fino al 01/09/2024


9.30 - 10.30 Participant Registration

11.00 Start of the regatta from Solkan (Žogica - below the dam)

12.00 - 13.30 Arrival of the boats in Pevmski park - Parco Piuma

15.00 Award ceremony with prize draw (Solkan- Kajak Center)



Registrations can be made both before and on the day of the event. Pre-registrations for any reservations for places on the dinghies can be made until Wednesday 28 August 2024.

Participants go down the river at their own risk. The boats must be unsinkable.

Participants must be equipped with a life jacket and helmet.

The start of the regatta is at the headquarters of the Soške elektrarne kajak club in Solkan, under the power station near the popular Žogica Restaurant.

The finish of the regatta is scheduled in the Pevmski park - Parco Piuma in Gorizia, on the right bank of the Soča river. The entire prize-giving programme will take place at the Kajak Center in Solkan.




REGISTRATION FEE: 15€ per person/ 10€ for children under 12 years old


Each participant receives a souvenir T-shirt and a voucher for a hot meal. The largest groups will receive a cup.

The organiser accepts no liability for any damage to objects and persons before, during and after the event.



KKSE: +386 31 371644 kkse@siol.net

ZSŠDI: +39 0481 33029 gorica@zssdi.it

ŠILEC: kksilec@gmail.com

***GO! 2025 has its own policy for event publication, available at this link. Not all information provided may be current and/or accurate and GO! 2025 does not accept any responsibility in this regard. It's recommended to contact the event organizer directly to verify the information of interest.

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