60 Minutes for Our History

The interactive multimedia performance 60 Minutes for Our History is a special experience, as the apparent fourth wall separating the audience from the action on stage is deliberately broken.

Fino al 20/09/2024

In an interesting, documentary and interactive way, through state-of-the-art storytelling techniques, including anecdotes, curiosities and cultural gossip, the audience is introduced to important personalities who have deeply shaped the history of the area in which Slovenians live in Italy.

"If we are usually politely invited to turn off our smartphones when we enter the theatre, so as not to disturb the performance, this time the opposite will happen. It is even preferable for students to enter the auditorium with their mobile phones switched on. Everyone will receive a special code that will allow them to actively participate in the performance, or rather, to direct the action on stage, as well as to guess about some of the mysterious personalities that will appear on the screen, using an app."

There will be two excellent bilingual actors on stage. Taking suggestions from the audience, they will skillfully guide the development of the show. Dr Stane Granda and Professor Peter Černic have provided historical advice and assistance in the selection of historical sources, while researchers Tadej Pahor and Peter Grudina have also collected material. The script was prepared by Tamara Peteani and Jasmin Kovic on the basis of the collected material. Jasmin Kovic signed the directorial and conceptual design. The performance lasts 60 minutes. At the end of the 45-minute didactic-interactive content, there is also an interactive quiz to test the knowledge acquired. The aim of the performance is didactic-informative and the main organiser, the Lojze Bratuž Cultural Centre, wishes to acquaint the young viewers of both Gorizia towns and villages with the past through the individual stories of important personalities who, through their lives and actions, have influenced the development of the territory where Slovenians live in Italy.

The project Cross Stories is funded by the European Union through the GO! 2025 Small Projects Fund of the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia Programme 2021-2027, managed by the EGTC GO.

Language info

Event language: SL

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