
Discover the programme of GO! 2025

5/9/2024 from 9.00 To 21.00

Nova Gorica

Discover the programme of GO! 2025

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Slovenia's entry into the European Union.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Slovenia's entry into the European Union, we invite you to discover the programme of the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica-Gorizia. GO! 2025 joins the May 9 celebrations with the display of posters in the city's shop windows, insights into the projects of the official programme, the inauguration of exhibitions, and meetings with the creators of the first cross-border European Capital of Culture.

On Thursday, 9 May, the following events will take place at various locations around Nova Gorica:

9:00 am to 7:00 pm / Shop windows in the city centre and Xcenter
Poster exhibition of selected projects of the official programme GO! 2025

9:00 am to 7:00 pm / Lobby of the Municipal Palace
ART CIRCLE Collection / International visual arts festival

11:40 am to 2:00 pm / Great Hall of the Municipal Palace
Model European Parliament

3:00 pm / Xcenter
Presentation of the project of the official programme of GO! 2025: Food of the Future, Kersnikova Institute

3:30 pm to 7:30 pm / Bevkov trg
Discover successful projects implemented with the help of European funds

3:00 pm 5:00 pm / Xcenter
Discover the programmes of the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica-Gorizia and meet their creators: GO! Borderless Opera Lab, Alexander Gadjiev, Ab Initio, Tree Orchestra, Think Tank Train, Atlas of Forgotten Orchards, Soča Power Charge, Zoran Mušič, ISOlabs, DESTINYation, Borderless Body, R.o.R Festival, Franco Basaglia, Xmobil from Xcenter

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm / Xcenter
Fermentation workshop with Erika Giohain, Food of the Future, Kersnikova Institute

5:30 pm / Hotel Perla
Discussion of Slovenian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon with Slovenians in the EU institutions

6:00 pm / Xcenter
Opening of the exhibition of the project of the official programme of GO! 2025, Postmobility: The Solar Share, international art research collective Disnovation

7:00 pm / Xcenter
Opening of the exhibition 'Perperuna' of the artists Efe Di and Nastja Ambrožič, Food of the Future, Kersnikova Institute

8:30 pm / Lawn in front of the Municipal Palace in Nova Gorica
National celebration of the 20th anniversary of Slovenia joining the EU, directed by Neda Rusjan Bric, MA

10:00 pm / Lawn in front of the Municipal Palace
Concert by Vlado Kreslin and Mali bogovi

***GO! 2025 has its own policy for event publication, available at this link. Not all information provided may be current and/or accurate and GO! 2025 does not accept any responsibility in this regard. It's recommended to contact the event organizer directly to verify the information of interest.

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