
Puccini meets Zappa. Puccini and woman

Puccini meets Zappa. Puccini and woman

More than Jazz project

In 2024 the entire cultural world celebrates the Puccini Year, 100 years after the death of the great composer from Lucca (1858 – 1924). The multidisciplinary project How I met Puccini®, conceived by composer and performer Valentina Scheldhofen Ciardelli, pays homage with its chamber and solo repertoire to the music of the genius from Lucca, enhancing its modernity and versatility. This is why it has been juxtaposed with Frank Zappa, an author tackled since her adolescence by the composer, since as a brilliant innovator he succeeded, like Puccini, in breaking the mould of the musical genre in which he debuted, modernising it and opening the way to new contaminations.

Valentina Scheldhofen Ciardelli – double bass

Stefano Teani – piano

With the extraordinary participation of historian and writer Angelo Floramo


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