Sustainability, accessibility and big events



Sustainability, accessibility and big events

A recording of the conference on this subject, held in January in Trieste during the 35th Trieste Film Festival, is now available

What are the best practices when organising a sustainable event? How have other European Capitals of Culture organized themselves to propose truly accessible initiatives?

In January, during the 35th edition of the Trieste Film Festival, Alpe Adria Cinema organized an event dedicated to GO! 2025, with a focus on sustainability and accessibility. In addition to Nova Gorica-Gorizia, delgates from four other European Capitals of Culture were invited: Esch-Sur-Alzette (Luxembourg), Veszprém-Balaton (Hungary), Timișoara (Romania), and Eleusis (Greece).

The recording of the meeting is available here.

Speakers included: 

• Paola Pavesi (Director of the Cultural Heritage Service, Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia), Nicoletta Romeo (Artistic Director, Trieste Film Festival), and Marco Marinuzzi (Project Manager, GO! 2025 European Capital of Culture) for the opening greetings.

• Moderator Simona Regina (Journalist).

• Nancy Braun (General Manager, Esch-Sur-Alzette 2022 European Capital of Culture): "Elo – more than just a discussion on plastic straws!". • Ramona Laczko-David (Project Coordinator, Timișoara 2023 European Capital of Culture): "Timișoara: a sustainable and accessible capital of culture".

• Can Togay (Chief Artistic and Creative Advisor, Veszprém Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture): "Balatorium and code".

• Georgia Voudouri (Director of Cultural Development, Eleusis 2023 European Capital of Culture): "Arkopolis".

• Sanja Popov Leban (Sustainability Project Manager, GO! 2025 European Capital of Culture): "No time to waste".

• Enrico Moro (Professor and Advisor of Green Marketing Strategies, Sustainability, and ESG): "Sustainable culture: from green to quantitative impact".


Photo credits: Francesca Bergamasco

***GO! 2025 has its own policy for event publication, available at this link. Not all information provided may be current and/or accurate and GO! 2025 does not accept any responsibility in this regard. It's recommended to contact the event organizer directly to verify the information of interest.

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