Visavì Cross-Border Dance Festival

Čezmejni plesni festival Visavì

A five-day festival of dance performances with a rich accompanying programme, taking place in several halls in and around Gorizia. Organised by Artisti Associati in cooperation with SNG Nova Gorica.

From 16 to 20 October 2024, an international dance festival will take place in Nova Gorica and Gorizia with participants from Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Germany, Switzerland, Japan and many other countries. This year's programme includes 20 events, including two world premieres and six national premieres. For the selection of this year's dance performances, the organisers, led by artistic director Walter Mramor, have focused on sensitive themes such as people's fears, instability and insecurities about the future. The programme will start on 16 October with an interactive performance entitled Melodia, and closed on 20 October with dance performance entitled Flights presented by the MN Dance Company from Nova Gorica.

The Visavì Dance Festival is the first international cross-border contemporary dance festival in Gorizia and Nova Gorica, organised by Artisti Associati in collaboration with the municipalities of Gorizia, Cormòns, and Gradisca d'Isonzo. With our support, this contemporary dance festival is gaining visibility, expanding into alternative cross-border spaces, increasing its audience, and raising the profile of the whole region at an international level. With events taking place on both sides of the border, the festival creates a kind of dance conurbation, with performers coming from Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Malta, Japan, and other countries.

The festival is part of GO! 2025 official programme.

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