
Wulz Photography. Trieste, the family, the atelier

12/14/2024 - 4/27/2025: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday from 10.00 To 19.00

Magazzino delle Idee
Corso Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, 2
34132 Trieste (Trieste)

Fotografia Wulz. Trieste, la famiglia, l'atelier


Due to maintenance work, the Magazzino delle idee exhibition space will be closed to the public from February 24th to March 3rd. The exhibition will be open again from March 4th. 

Organized by the Regional Authority for the Cultural Heritage of Friuli Venezia Giulia, in collaboration with the Alinari Foundation of Florence, the exhibition presents a historical and critical selection of the archives of the Wulz Photographic Studio in Trieste (1868-1981), one of the most important archival complexes preserved today in the Alinari Archives, which have become public property thanks to the acquisition of the Region of Tuscany, which entrusted them to the Alinari Foundation for Photography.

The exhibition will remain open to the public from Dec. 14, 2024 until April 27, 2025, as part of “GO!2025&Friends,” the programme of events connected to the official programme of “GO!2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia European Capital of Culture.”

Thanks to the critical selection of the Alinari holdings made by the two curators and the presence of other materials from public institutions, such as the Wolfsoniana in Genoa, the Revoltella Museum and the Civic Museums of History and Art in Trieste, but also from private collections such as those of the Drogheria 28 Antiquarian Bookshop in Trieste and the Sergio Vatta Collection, this exhibition aims to offer new insights and propose new or updated readings of the Wulz' photographic production. Through almost three hundred pieces, including photographic prints, negatives, vintage, documents and objects from the archive of the Wulz Photographic Studio, the exhibition gives us back a Trieste that is in some ways unprecedented, a city dropped in a crucial historical period for its evolution, the one that goes from the second half of the 19th to the second half of the 20th century and beyond. The images made in the last period of the studio's activity, by sisters Wanda and Marion Wulz, can be read as an opportunity to visualize concretely the progressive changes in the identity of women, who in the first decades of the twentieth century undertook one of the most important phases of their journey of emancipation and independence.

The exhibition is supported by Calliope Arts Foundation, an organization committed to the preservation and promotion of women's cultural heritage. Calliope edits publications such as The Curators' Notebook, which will see the printing of a new issue dedicated to the Wulz sisters for the occasion.
Accompanied by a bilingual catalog published by Silvana Editoriale, the exhibition will also have a series of in-depth events.

Exhibition hours: from December 14, 2024 to April 27, 2025, Tuesday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (full ticket price €8, reduced €5).

Special openings
December 31 until 3 p.m.
January 1, 2025
January 6, 2025
April 20 21 and 25, 2025

More information here: www.magazzinodelleidee.it info@magazzinodelleidee.it
+39 040 3774783

As part of "GO!2025 & FRIENDS", ERPAC FVG with FONDAZIONE ALINARI open an exhibition dedicated to the photographs of the Wulz Studio.

Three generations of the Wulz family recount over a century of the city of Trieste and the social affirmation of women in the Twentieth Century

A photographic journey spanning more than a hundred years, punctuated both by the events that placed the city of Trieste at the center of the international stage and the stages of its economic, demographic, social and cultural development. A long history seen through the privileged filter of the Wulz family, which for more than a century ran the eponymous Trieste photographic atelier.

It is Photography Wulz. Trieste, the family, the atelier, the exhibition opening at the Magazzino delle Idee in Trieste on Dec. 13 at 6 p.m., curated by Antonio Giusa and Federica Muzzarelli.


Official website www.magazzinodelleidee.it
Organizer email info@magazzinodelleidee.it Organizer phone number +39 040 3774783

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