

Go Green Cinema

Go Green Cinema

Quality cinema, accessible to all, in the cross-border area between Slovenia and Italy: this is the core aim of the Go Green Cinema project, led by Kinoatelje together with Zavod Motovila. The project was presented to the press a few days ago at the Kinoatelje headquarters. Go Green Cinema (GGC) is financed by the European Union under the Small Project Fund GO! 2025 of the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027 Programme, managed by the GECT GO.

The project aims to establish a network of sustainable cultural venues, on both sides of the border, named Soča Travelling Cinema - Potujoči Kino Soča. The venues included in the network will be equipped with modern mobile equipment for the projection of digital film content (DCP), with the aim of bringing cultural content to life in locations outside urban centers, where there is currently no adequate infrastructure for quality professional film projections. The network will extend over the entire cross-border territory, from the source to the mouth of the Isonzo River, and will therefore include the Gorizia region, the Soča Valley, the Natisone valleys, the Collio, the Vipacco Valley, the Trnovo-Bainsizza plateau, the Karst, and the hinterland of Trieste. The film screenings are aimed at a wider cross-border audience, including local residents, foreign visitors, and participants in the GO! 2025 European Capital of Culture programmes.

In cooperation with local partners, the GGC project will develop unique cultural tourism experiences, inviting visitors to explore the rich local cultural and film heritage. At the same time, the project will introduce concrete sustainable approaches and encourage visitors to actively participate in environmental protection and adopt the principles of sustainable tourism. As part of the project, a publicly accessible handbook will be produced, aiding other entities in the GO! 2025 European Capital of Culture area in their transition towards green practices.

Between April and May, the project will offer a free training course for film operators with technical knowledge to conduct screenings using the latest DCP and MP4 equipment. Under the guidance of expert speakers, participants will become familiar with the technical characteristics of the equipment and various aspects of technical film projection, acquire software skills, and learn how to set up projections both outdoors and in auditoriums. The open call for applications has already been launched, with the deadline at the end of March. You can find more information here

Public events and other activities will occur during the two-year period 2024/2025, but the project is designed for the long term. Through training programmes, the project aims to encourage network partners to continue developing new content and strengthen the local cultural offering sustainably.

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