

The results of the second SPF GO! 2025 call are in!

The results of the second SPF GO! 2025 call are in!

The Small projects fund is managed by the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation and financed by Interreg VI-A (Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027).

Twelve cross-border projects will be financed by Interreg VI-A (Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027) through the call SPF 2/2024 of the Small Projects Fund managed by the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation - EGTC GO. The results for the second call were published yesterday on the EGTC GO website. The SPF GO! 2025 fund, as it is known, has as its main objective the preparation of the cross-border territory for the European Capital of Culture Nova Gorica-Gorizia 2025.

The twelve funded projects focus on the topics of multilingualism, active participation of children and young people, sustainable mobility, and sport, declining these topics in innovative and creative ways. Local students conducting guided tours, an international festival of minority languages, cultural exchanges between young artists, bilingual performances to enhance figure theatre, a mobile climbing gym, a cross-border online media for young people created by young people, a project focusing on the Soča river with riverbank cleaning, a descent with several boats and a bike ride to discover local cycling routes: these are just some of the project ideas that will be funded.

The results are available here

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