EZTS GO gost na dnevih odprtih vrat - OPEN DAYS 2014

7. 10. 2014 od 00:00 do 23:59

EZTS GO gost na dnevih odprtih vrat - OPEN DAYS 2014

EZTS GO gost na dnevih odprtih vrat - OPEN DAYS 2014


OPEN DAYS: "Growing Together" EU Regions and Cities put the theory into practice with investment plans for 2014-2020


European Groupings for territorial cooperation (EGTC) - an asset for new territorial features
7/10/2014 - 9:00-10:45

Organisers: DG REGIO, B.4
Venue: European Commission, Centre Borschette, Room 1A
Speakers and chair(s): Mr. Peters Dirk , Mr. Sodini Sandra , Mrs. Rapp Aleksandra (Chair), Ms. Rener Tatjana
The debate is a follow-up to a 2013 Open Days workshop on how to make best use of the new instruments (Integrated
Territorial Investments and Community Lead Local Development) in the context of cooperation.
This year the debate format is more appropriate to mirror an EGTC willing to implement an ITI/JAP with national authorities
reluctant to do so and an EGTC where the national authorities support such plans.
Beyond these four panellists one or two representatives of DG REGIO would give his/her views on how Member State
authorities should address the use of the legal instrument EGTC for the implementation of ITI/JAP, one focusing on the new
legal framework for EGTC's; the other focussing on the programme implementation side.
Target audience:
- EU, national, regional and local policy/decision makers
- Authorities managing and evaluating cohesion policy programmes and projects
- Other stakeholders: private companies, financial institutions, European and national associations
- Academics, students and researchers
- EGTC's



Photos of Flickr







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