EZTS GO gost na seminarju "The participation of the EGTCs in programmes of European Territorial Cooperation" (Bruselj, 12.11.2015)

12. 11. 2015 od 00:00 do 23:59

EZTS GO gost na seminarju "The participation of the EGTCs in programmes of European Territorial Cooperation" (Bruselj, 12.11.2015)

EZTS GO gost na seminarju "The participation of the EGTCs in programmes of European Territorial Cooperation" (Bruselj, 12.11.2015)



The participation of the EGTCs
in programmes of European Territorial Cooperation


Brussels, 12 November 2015, 14:30-18:00
European Committee of the Regions
Room JDE 52 – Map: https://goo.gl/maps/eLdWW

Interpretation EN – FR – DE – ES – IT (passive)

Since their inception in 2006, the primary function of the European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation is the implementation of cooperation programmes, or parts thereof, or the implementation of operations supported by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and/or the Cohesion Fund.

The purpose of this seminar is to give an overview at the state-of-the-art of the participation of the EGTCs in programmes of European Territorial Cooperation, identifying their main achievements, the bottlenecks, and the future steps to improve their performance.

The seminar also intends to help the EGTCs to exchange experiences and ideas in order to be able to apply successfully to the new calls of proposals corresponding to the period 2014-2020.

The 2016 edition of the award 'Building Europe across Borders' to EGTCs promoting growth and jobs will be launched in this seminar.

This seminar is co-organised by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), and is part of the conference on 'The Future of Cross-border Cooperation in Europe' which will take place on 12 and 13 November in Brussels, co-organised by the CoR and the AEBR in collaboration with the European Commission and the Congress of Local and Regional Powers of the Council of Europe in the context of the 25 years of INTERREG.

updated on 05/10/2015

13.00 Registration and welcome lunch

14.30 Opening of the meeting by the Chair:

Raffaele Cattaneo (IT/EPP), Chair of COTER and Political Coordinator of the EGTC Platform of the CoR

15.00 Roundtable 1: Questions related to the participation of the EGTCs in INTERREG
Exam of the different situations of the EGTCs in ETC programmes

Dirk Peters, European Commission, senior legal officer, DG Regional and Urban Policy
Aleksandra Rapp, INTERACT Vienna, project manager
Ivan Curzolo, EGTC GO, ITI manager

16.15 Coffee break

16.30 Roundtable 2: New ideas for the future INTERREG projects
Tips about how to participate successfully in the new calls

Vicente Rodríguez Sáez, European Commission, Deputy Head of Unit, Competence Centre Macro-regions and European Territorial Co-operation - Transnational and Interregional Co-operation
Enikő Nyerges, CESCI – Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives, project officer
Kres Timea Tünde, EGTC Gate to Europe, Director
Helena Videira, EGTC ZASNET, Director

17.30 Launching of the 2016 edition of the Award 'Building Europe across Borders' to EGTCs generating growth and jobs

17.45 End of the meeting


Live webstreaming: http://live.eesc.europa.eu/2015-11-12-jde62


The seminar on twitter: @EGTCplatform @SocialnetAEBR Hashtag: #FutureCBC

Contact: Ta e-poštni naslov je zaščiten proti smetenju. Za ogled potrebujete Javascript, da si jo ogledate. Ta e-poštni naslov je zaščiten proti smetenju. Za ogled potrebujete Javascript, da si jo ogledate.

Registration: http://europa.eu/!kQ68wj


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