Arheološko območje v Trstu


Arheološko območje v Trstu

Od antičnega mesta Tergeste, ustanovljenega sredi 1. stoletja pred našim štetjem, je ohranjeno rimsko gledališče, ki je še vedno vidno v središču mesta in je danes najpomembnejši arheološki ostanek v Trstu, dva antikvarija, lok "Riccardo" in ostanki zgodnjekrščanske bazilike.

Ancient Tergeste was founded approximately in the middle of the 1st century BC in an area between the Colle di San Giusto and the sea. The theatre, still visible in the town centre, dates back to a few decades later. Its steps, on the slopes of the hill to benefit from the natural gradient, once hosted 3,500 spectators.

Today, the theatre is the most impressive archaeological site in Trieste, and many other traces of the Roman past of the city can be found. Behind the theatre, in Via di Donota, an Antiquarium includes an area of excavations and an exhibition space created in the tower of the medieval walls. The remains of the late Republican walls can still be seen in another Antiquarium, in Via del Seminario. Those who visit Trieste, will certainly discover the so-called  “Arco di Riccardo” (Richard's Arch), in the heart of the Roman urban centre, now the current city centre. Not far away, the remains of an early Christian basilica can be seen.

Teatro romano (Roman Theatre)
via del Teatro romano
Opening times: open at any time for visits to the grounds. For admission to its interior, you need to send an e-mail  request to the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio of Friuli-Venezia Giulia

via di Donota
Opening times: every Saturday from 10am-12pm, or on request.

via del Seminario
Opening times: every Saturday from 10am-12pm, or on request.

Basilica Paleocristiana
via Madonna del Mare
Opening times: every Sunday from 10am-12pm, or on request.
Free admittance
Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio del Friuli Venezia Giulia
piazza Libertà 7 - 34135 Trieste
tel. + 39 040 4527511
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R38112 Maurizio Valdemarin Ts Teatro Romano Jpg
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R91082 Teatro Romano Jpg
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