CID Informacijski in dokumentacijski center Torviscosa

CID Centro Informazione Documentazione
Piazzale Marinotti 1
33050 Torviscosa (Udine)

CID Informacijski in dokumentacijski center Torviscosa

Spoznajte zgodovino mesta Torviscosa, ki je bilo ustanovljeno v tridesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, in industrijsko podjetje, iz katerega je mesto nastalo.

The Centro Informazione Documentazione (CID) in Torviscosa is the best starting point to discover the remarkable history of this new town founded in the 1930s and  of the industrial enterprise from which it originated. Autarchy, land reclamation, new towns, industrial development are the fundamental elements of Torviscosa's history that unite it with the rest of Italy.

The building was erected in the early 1960s by the SNIA Viscosa company and intended as an exhibition venue: its purpose was to present the leading Italian textile company to foreign delegations. The CID still preserves the first huge plastic models representing the venues that the SNIA Viscosa company owned at that time in Italy and abroad. The rest of the exhibition presents the context of Italy in the 1930s, describing the urban characteristics of the other new towns of the period and tells the story of Torviscosa through some of the impressive documentary heritage materials here preserved, which includes archival documents, photographs and vintage videos, maps, plans, scale models.

The CID is also home to special temporary exhibitions.

CID Centro Informazione Documentazione
Piazzale Marinotti 1
33050 Torviscosa (UD)

Temporarily closed

Free entrance

For detailed and up-to-date information on access with pets, please contact the structure.

Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R63443 File Jpg
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R79910 File Jpg
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R79911 Cidplastici@lorena Jpg

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