369676, 45.771080, 13, 33051 Aquileia UD
Domus Tita Makra
![Domus di Tito Macro Domus di Tito Macro](/imports/foto/poi/domus-di-tito-macro-tfvg_157356/6493/image-thumb__6493__thumb1920/proxyvfs.axd-main-image-hd-r157359-domus-logo-web-jpg.c12cb29c.jpg)
Starodavna rimska rezidenca iz 1. stoletja pred našim štetjem, ki naj bi pripadala bogatemu prebivalcu Ogleja Titu Makru. Spada med največje rimske vile v severni Italiji in je edinstven primer v Evropi.
The “Domus di Tito Macro”, one of the largest dwellings of Roman era among those found in northern Italy, covers an area of 1,700 square metres and is unique in Europe. The dwelling is about 77 metres in length and 25 maximum width, between two cobbled streets of the city (decumanus) within one of the southern blocks of the colony, founded in 181 BC, from which the famous mosaic of the Raptus or Abduction of Europa has been taken, as well as the beautiful floor with a vine shoot with bow and the 'unswept floor', now on display at the National Archaeological Museum, and the mosaic of the Good Shepherd, temporarily located in Meizlik Palace.Excavations have made it possible to recognize the layout of the domus, which was built in the first century B.C. and continuously used up until the sixth century A.D. and to attribute it to the dwelling of a wealthy inhabitant of Aquileia, Tito Macro. In fact, this attribution was based on the discovery of a stone weight with an iron handle bearing the inscription T. MACR.
If you want to see how a Roman house was structured, all you have to do is visit the home of Tito Macro.
Domus di Tito Macro
piazza Capitolo
33051 Aquileia (UD)
For more information: Fondazione Aquileia
tel. + 39 0431 917619
Please visit the website
Full € 5,00
Reduced € 4,00
Free: please visit Fondazione Aquileia
Free with FVGcard
For detailed and up-to-date information on access with pets, please contact the structure.
Domus Tita Makra, ena največjih rimskih rezidenc, ki so jih našli v severni Italiji, se razprostira na 1.700 kvadratnih metrih in je edinstvena v Evropi. Stanovanje se razteza približno 77 metrov v dolžino in 25 metrov v največjo širino med dvema mestnima tlakovanima ulicama (decumani) v enem od južnih delov oglejske kolonije, ki je bila ustanovljena leta 181 pr. n. št. in iz katere izhajajo znameniti mozaik "ugrabitve Evrope", čudovita tla s pentljo in trto ter "nepometena tla", ki so zdaj na ogled v Nacionalnem arheološkem muzeju, ter mozaik Dobrega pastirja, ki se začasno nahaja v palači Meizlik.
Izkopavanja so prinesla na dan zlasti tloris domusa, ki je bil zgrajen v 1. stoletju pr. Kr. in v katerem so neprekinjeno stanovali do 6. stoletja po Kr., in omogočila pripisati last Titu Makru, bogatemu prebivalcu Ogleja, na podlagi odkritja kamnite uteži z železnim ročajem z napisom T.MACR.
Če želite spoznati, kako je bila zgrajena rimska hiša, morate le vstopiti v hišo Tita Makra.
Domus di Tito Macro
Piazza Capitolo
33051 Aquileia (UD)
Za informacije: Fondazione Aquileia
tel. + 39 0431 917619
Obiščite spletno stran
Redna: 5 evrov
Skupine: 4 evre
Prost vstop: preverite na spletni strani Fondazione Aquileia
Brezplačno za imetnike FVGcard