Etnografska zbirka Ruttar


Etnografska zbirka Ruttar

V zbirki so zbrani predmeti in dokazi o običajih in tradicijah podeželske družbe v Nadiških dolinah na začetku 20. stoletja.

The Ruttar Ethnographic Collection is a precious collection of decorative household goods of every kind, representing the rural Natisone Valley society's habits and customs at the beginning of the century.

A large number of tools and instruments document the work of the land, animal breeding and the running of the home. Instruments used in haymaking, deforestation, animal breeding, butter and cheese production, and carpentry are on show.
There are also photographs, pork-butcher's tools, sacred images, sidearms, keys, suitcases, shipping documents, objects linked to mine working and to emigration in its various forms.

The Ruttar Ethnographic Collection also includes a reconstruction of an early 20th century bedroom with sacred ornaments and small statues, evidence of this area's religiousness, as well as wooden masks which are still used during the Carnival period.

Ruttar Ethnographic Collection
Clodig, 26
I - 33040 Grimacco (UD)
Tel.: +39 0432 725003

Opening times
All year by appointment
Reservation is compulsory for groups of more than 10 persons

Free admission

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