Grad svetega Justa

Piazza della Cattedrale, 3

Grad svetega Justa

Obiščite grad starodavnega izvora. Udeležite se kulturnih dogodkov, ki jih gosti, predstav in začasnih umetniških razstav.

In the prehistoric age on the hill of San Giusto there was a castelliere (fortified borough), which in the Roman age became an important urban centre. The fortress, built by the Venetians in the Middle Ages, was pulled down in the 14th century by will of the Patriarch of Aquileia and, in 1470 only, it was rebuilt by Friedrich II of Habsburg; the square tower and the two-storey building, which today houses the Castle Museum, date back to this period.

Under the rule of the Republic of Venice, which at the beginning of the sixteenth century had re-established its rule over Trieste, the castle's defences were strengthened and, under the Austrian rule again, the works continued until the building, in 1630, of the large ramparts and of the linking walls.

The fortified complex can be accessed from a ramp ending in a wooden drawbridge, over a not very wide moat; after crossing the cross-vaulted hall, you will reach the Piazzale delle Milizie (Square of the Troops), where stairs and allures lead to the ramparts.

Since 1930 the castle has been a property of the Municipality, which has equipped it for tourist purposes and uses it for cultural events, shows and temporary exhibitions.

Since 2001 the Lalio rampart of the Castle of San Giusto has been housing the new Lapidario Tergestino, which preserves all the Roman stone finds that were previously displayed in the Orto Lapidario garden.

The path along the castle walls provides one of the most beautiful views over the city and the gulf of Trieste.

Information and visits:
Castle of San Giusto
Piazza della Cattedrale, 3
34100 Trieste
Tel.: +39 040 309362
Fax +39 040 6754065

Open every day from 10am to 7pm

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