ITS Arcademy

Via della Cassa di Risparmio, 10, 34121
34121 TRIESTE +39 040 300 589

 ITS Arcademy

Muzej umetnosti v modi: razstavni prostor v zgodovinski stavbi Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste, ki gosti oblačila, dodatke in fotografije najpomembnejših mednarodnih modnih oblikovalcev.

ITS Arcademy – Museum of Art in Fashion is the first museum of contemporary fashion in Italy Housed in a historical building just a few steps away from the magnificent Piazza Unità d'Italia, it is a forward-thinking international cultural destination, with a developing programme of exhibitions, events and educational experiences aimed at fostering creativity.

The ITS Arcademy Collection is unique in the world. It contains over 14,000 items - garments, accessories, jewellery and creative project portfolios gathered over the 20 editions of ITS Contest - one of the world's leading platforms for emerging creative talent.

It contains the early works of some of the most talented international fashion and accessory designers, many of whom are now established - from the Creative and Artistic Directors of Maisons like Bottega Veneta and Balenciaga, to the winner of Queen Elizabeth II’s inaugural Design Award, to designers whose work is featured in popular movies and Netflix series. 

Via della Cassa di Risparmio, 10, 34121 Trieste TS
Contacts: +39 040 300 589
web site:

Opening times
view web site

Ticket information
14 € Adults
10 € Children over 10 and concessions
Exclusive/tailored guided tours upon request

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