Joyceov muzej

Presso Museo LETS - Letteratura Trieste, Piazza Attilio Hortis, 4, 34124 Trieste TS

Joyceov muzej

Najobsežnejše in najpomembnejše središče joyceovih študij v Italiji. Muzej hrani izvirno gradivo in dokumente o Joyceovem bivanju v Trstu, ki pričajo o njegovi zgodovinski osebnosti in literarnem ustvarjanju. 

The Joyce museum of Trieste was created with the intention of building a more complete and important Joycian study centre in Italy. It collects and preserves original material and documents regarding the period Joyce spent in Trieste and offers expert assistance - both in English and in Italian - to all those looking to deepen their knowledge of this historic figure and the works or the Irish writer.

The Joyce museum has an uptodate library including editions of his works, critical instruments in various different languages and a complete collection of some of the major magazines speaking about Joyce the man and his works in English as well as videos and multimedia technology.

Joyce Museum
Via Madonna del Mare 13 - II floor
34123 Trieste
Tel. +39 040 3593 606/ 607
Fax +39 040 3593 625

Opening hours
Please visit the website


Free admission

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