Via Monastero Maggiore, 34, 33043 Cividale del Friuli UD
Cividale del Friuli
Langobardski tempelj in samostan Santa Maria in Valle
Tempelj je bil zgrajen v 8. stoletju kot kapela ženskega benediktinskega samostana Santa Maria in Valle in je izjemen primer zgodnjesrednjeveške arhitekture s freskami bizantinskih mojstrov.
Tempietto Longobardo (Longobard Temple), an extraordinary example of high Medieval western architecture, is one of the most famous worldwide buildings in Cividale. It is made up of a square wing with its crosslike vault and the presbytery with the three barrel naves, is characterised by Byzantine frescos and stucco decorations.Its origins and functions are not completely clear: the prevailing hypothesis dates the building to the second half of the 8th century and it is thought to have been the chapel of a Benedictine convent. Call Send SMS Add to Skype You'll need Skype CreditFree via Skype
Tempietto Longobardo e Monastero di Santa Maria in Valle
Via Monastero Maggiore n. 34
33043 Cividale del Friuli(UD)
ph. +39 0432 700867 (ticket office)
ph. +39 0432 710460 (tour reservation)
Please visit the museum website
Free with FVGcard
For detailed and up-to-date information on access with pets, please contact the structure.
Langobardski tempelj je izjemen dokaz zgodnjesrednjeveške arhitekture. Sestavljata ga kvadratna dvorana s križnim sklepnikom in prezbiterij s tremi sodčastimi ladjami. Krasijo ga tudi freske bizantinskih mojstrov in štukaturni okraski, vključno z arhivoltom, okrašenim s poganjkom vinske trte z grozdi, ki ga krasi šest ženskih figur v štukaturah.
Izvor, datacija in funkcija so negotovi, vendar prevladuje teorija, da je bil tempeljček zgrajen v drugi polovici 8. stoletja kot kapela ženskega benediktinskega samostana Santa Maria in Valle.
Tempietto Longobardo e Monastero di Santa Maria in Valle
Via Monastero Maggiore n. 34
33043 Cividale del Friuli(UD)
Tel.: +39 0432 700867 (Biglietteria)
Tel.: +39 0432 710460 (Prenotazioni visite)
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