Mestni muzej orientalske umetnosti

Via S. Sebastiano, 1, 34121 Trieste TS

Museo d'arte orientale

Prvi muzej v Furlaniji Julijski krajini, posvečen orientalski umetnosti. V njem so zbirke umetnin, popotniških spominov, orožja in glasbil.

The first museum in Friuli Venezia Giulia dedicated to oriental arts, it hosts a collection of arts, memories and travel objects, weapons, musical instruments and various types of testimonies, coming from the Asiatic area.

The oriental arts museum spreads out over four floors, subdivided into different sections; the first, introductory section is dedicated to relations between Trieste and the East during the 18th and 19th century; then there is the section dedicated to sculptures by Gandhara; the section dedicated to China with fabrics, clothes, chinaware, ceramics ritual objects; the section dedicated to Japan exhibits chinaware, varnishes, lacquers, masks, musical instruments, especially from the popular theatre, weapons, armours and a significant collection of prints.

City Museum of Oriental Art
Via S. Sebastiano, 1
34121 Trieste
Tel. +39 040 6754068
Fax +39 040 6754065

Opening hours
Please visit the website


Free entrance

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