Muzej dokumentacije furlanske kmetijske civilizacije v Fari

Riva della Grotta, 8, 34072 Farra d'Isonzo GO
Farra d'Isonzo

Muzej dokumentacije furlanske kmetijske civilizacije v Fari

Obiščite muzej, v katerem so shranjeni predmeti in dokumenti iz vsakdanjega življenja na tem območju od konca 17. stoletja do začetka 20. stoletja.

The Friulian farming culture museum in Farra d'Isonzo, located inside a few buildings in a rural 18th century borough, presents objects and documents describing the life of the territory from the end of the 17th century to early 20th century.

The collections are displayed on the basis of the reconstruction of environments: kitchen, bedroom, craft shops, areas for housework and agricultural work. On the ground floor there is a kitchen complete with antique furniture, a fireplace and recipe books; the cellar with a section on winemaking and wheat growing, a carpenter's workshop, a forge and a shoemaker's with related tools.

On the first floor you will admire a traditional bedroom, an exhibition on silkworm breeding and on silk making. Another section illustrates the evolution of relationships between agriculture and credit institutions, the rise of rural banks and the problem of usury.

Friulian Farming Culture Museum
Strada della Grotta, 8
I - 34074 Farra d'Isonzo (GO)
Tel.: +39 0481 888567
Museo di documentazione della civiltà contadina friulana

Opening hours
Opening by appointment

Adult: € 4,00
Child under 12 and senior over 65: € 3,00
Group (min. 15 people): € 3,00 per person
Schools: € 2,00 per person
Gratis: under 6 years, people with disabilities and personal assistant

Dogodki, članki in zgodbe iz evropske prestolnice kulture – prijavite se na naš novičnik in ostanite na tekočem z našimi aktivnostmi.

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