Nacionalni arheološki muzej v Ogleju


Nacionalni arheološki muzej v Ogleju

V njem odkrivamo zgodovino Ogleja in si lahko ogledamo arheološko zbirko stare rimske metropole. Napisi, portreti, kipi in predmeti dokumentirajo kozmopolitski značaj tega starodavnega mesta.

A Mediterranean port and a gateway to the Mediterranean for about seven centuries: Aquileia has an extraordinary history, illustrated at the Museo Archeologico Nazionale (National Archaeological Museum) in a modern exhibition tour inaugurated in 2018.

The exhibition layout highlights the extensive and varied archaeological collection of Aquileia, collected over two centuries of excavations and discoveries but, above all, it accompanies visitors to discover the ancient Roman metropolis, its daily life and its production and trading activities. It is precisely trade relations that brought people to Aquileia from all areas of the Mediterranean, giving it its exceptional cosmopolitan, multi-religious and multilingual character, documented at the Museum with inscriptions, funerary stelae, portraits, statues of various gods and artefacts of various origin in common use.

From November 12 2024, the new storage areas of the National Archaeological Museum of Aquileia are open to the public, offering a unique chance to explore the rich archaeological heritage of the city. An even greater enhancement of the already incredible historical and cultural value of Aquileia.
The new spaces cover over 500 square meters and include six connected rooms. They have been designed with a modern and functional setup to highlight the displayed collections to their full potential.
More than 5,000 artefacts of great interest are on display, including inscriptions, votive altars, funerary monuments, sculptures, and reliefs, as well as objects made of glass, metal, and ceramics. These items, which previously couldn’t fit in the main exhibition area, are now accessible to visitors thanks to display cases, protected drawers, and metal shelves that allow close-up views of the details and unique features of each archaeological find.
Another exciting addition to the Museum and the UNESCO site of Aquileia is the introduction of an educational classroom. This space, designed for learning activities, enhances the visitor experience by showcasing a stone bestiary featuring animals and fantastical creatures. The exhibit is inclusive, accessible, and interactive, offering an engaging learning experience for all visitors.

National Archaeological Museum
Via Roma, 1
33051 Aquileia (UD)
ph. +39 0431 91016

Please visit the website

Full ticket: € 10,00
Reduced ticket: € 3,00 (for EU citizen aged 18-25)
Free for Youngs who are either under 18, University teachers and students in Architecture, Conservation of the Cultural Patrimony, Pedagogical Courses, ICOM members, Journalists with card, Handicapped citizens of the European Union and a caregiver.
Free with FVGcard

For detailed and up-to-date information on access with pets, please contact the structure.

Pristanišče v Sredozemlju in vrata v Sredozemlje za obdobje približno sedmih stoletij: to je izjemna zgodba antičnega Ogleja, ki jo Nacionalni arheološki muzej pripoveduje v sodobni razstavi, ki so jo odprli leta 2018.

Postavitev obiskovalcu ponuja na ogled obsežno in večdelno oglejsko arheološko zbirko, zbrano v več kot dveh stoletjih izkopavanj in odkritij, predvsem pa obiskovalca spremlja pri odkrivanju starorimske metropole, njenega vsakdanjega življenja, proizvodnih in trgovskih dejavnosti. Prav trgovski odnosi so v Oglej pripeljali ljudi z vsega Sredozemlja in ji dali izjemen kozmopolitski, večverski in večjezični značaj, ki ga v muzeju dokumentirajo napisi, pogrebne stele, portreti, kipi različnih božanstev in vsakdanji predmeti različnega izvora.

Museo Archeologico Nazionale

Via Roma, 1

33051 Aquileia (UD)

Tel. +39 0431 91016


Redna cena: 10 evrov

Znižana cena: 3 evre (državljani EU od 18. do 25. leta)

Prost vstop: imetniki kartice FVGcard, skupine šolarjev, profesorji in študentje fakultet za arhitekturo, arheologijo in podobna področja 

Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R25919 Museo Archeologico Nazionale Di Aquileia@alessandra Chemollo Jpg
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R83331 Museo Archeologico Nazionale Di Aquileia@alessandra Chemollo Sulcus Primigenius Jpg
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R83332 Man2 2018 Jpg

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