


Zaradi bogate zgodovinske in arheološke dediščine je Oglej Unescovo mesto že od leta 1998. Obiščite baziliko Marijinega vnebovzetja iz 4. stoletja, Nacionalni arheološki muzej in Nacionalni muzej zgodnjega krščanstva.

Aquileia, an important city of the Roman Empire and then the main centre for the diffusion of Christianity in Northern and Eastern Europe, represents an extraordinary opportunity to broaden knowledge, offering an unforgettable visiting experience.

It has been a UNESCO site since 1998 due to the importance of its archaeological area and the beauty of the mosaics that it safeguards. Among them, the largest and most well-known attraction is the Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta, dating back to the fourth century. However, added to this are other precious mosaic remains from the Roman and early Christian ages, which make Aquileia a kind of capital of the Western Roman mosaic.

Besides the basilica complex, the Early Christian National Museum and the National Archaeological Museum must be included in your visit.

Purchase the FVGcard Aquileia when visiting Aquileia

Information and opening hours at:  https://www.discoveraquileia.com

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